ARC Application

Walden Homeowners Association Architectural Review Committee Plan Review Application

Email this form and any required documentation to

(Microsoft Word Version of the Application)


Mail to or place in the drop box: Architectural Review Committee Ÿ 208 Walden Glen Road Ÿ Madison, AL 35758

I wish to add/modify a structure on my home.  The address is __________________________________________.

(insert your street address here in the sub-division) 

The purpose of the structure is ___________________________________________________________________.

(recreation, storage, landscaping, privacy, pet containment, etc.)

The nature of the structure is ____________________________________________________________________.

(fence, sun porch, stand alone garage, etc.)

 The structure is of kind ________________________________________________________________________.

(prefabricated, a kit, custom built, etc.)

The overall dimensions are: Height: ________  Width: _________  Length: _____________

The materials to be used are: ___________________________________________________________________.

(treated lumber, brick, asphalt shingles, wrought iron, etc.)

The colors to be used are: ______________________________________________________________________.

(relate each paint, stain, brick or other outside color to its specific use on the project  Note: the covenants require fences to be painted or stained – approved colors are provided at

The location on my plat is: _____________________________________________________________________.

(show the relative location to your existing home by words or on a plat or sketch)

q  I have attached a sketch or drawing of the addition/modification as requested.

(Applications without an attached sketch/drawing will not be accepted or reviewed.)

I estimate that the construction will require ______________ months.

(must be less than six months)

Most of the work will be done by : ______________________________________________________________.

(specify who will do the work – yourself, a named contractor, others)

Will you make any other modifications to your property during this project that will need to be considered by the ARC?  ____________________________________________________________________________________.

(EX: remove trees over 6” in diameter, alter drainage into neighboring properties, etc )

I understand that all work must be completed within 180 days from the approval of my application (including fence staining for fence projects).  In doing so, I understand that the $75 plan review fee (as allowed for in Article VI, Section 10 of the covenants) has been waived by the ARC.  If I fail to seek approval prior to starting my project or complete my project within 180 days, I will pay the aforementioned fee by check to the Walden HOA.  I also understand that Article XII, Section 1 permits the HOA to enforce compliance with the covenants for my project and may levy fines or sanctions for failure to comply. I understand that emailing this form and documentation to the ARC constitutes my acceptance of the above.

Signature: _________________________________________                         ____________________


Printed name: ______________________________________

ARC_Approval_Application Rev C Doc   All previous versions of this application are obsolete 2APR06

Contact phone numbers : ________________________ or __________________________

Email: ____________________________________________________________________